Monopigment colors

Monopigment colors
We call mono-pigment color a color where a single pigment is involved in its manufacture. Painting mainly with a range of single-pigment colors makes it possible to obtain bright and vibrant mixtures.
Let's not forget that in painting, each time we mix colors, we darken.
To obtain beautiful secondary colors, we can only advise to work with mono-pigmentary primary colors, so you can nuance your mixtures at will while keeping them bright.
In color for artists, it may be preferable to choose secondary mono-pigmentary colors in order to be able to shade the tone without tarnishing them.
Small example: If you work in greens, you can start from a mono-pigmented green like phthalo green PG7 and subtly add one or two other colors to it in order to widen the nuances to infinity.