
My great-great-grandfather, Willem Roelofs, was a painter. You can see his painting in the Netherlands (Rijksmuseum and Gemmentemuseum), Belgium (Royal Museum of fine arts of Belgium), France (Royal Museum of Fine Arts of Lille), and his works are also exhibited in Brazil.

His son, my great grandfather, Albert Roelofs, was also a painter. He taught painting to Crown Princess Juliana from the Netherlands. At the beginning of the 20th century he founded a small factory with his friends, including a chemist, where tHey made oil colours. Albert’s Knowledge as a discerning artist stood him in good stead for making quality oil colours which soon gained an enviable reputation amongst the members of artistic community. Albert died in 1020 at the age of 43, but the company continued until 1980 under the founding members and Albert’s son, mu grandfather.

My father helped my grandfather for a few years, but insTead of moving the paint factory to Belgium where my father now lived.

A colourwoman

Artist come first and Isaro will grow and evolve with that principe in mind.
I think that offering artists a quality product is the best way to be recognized.
And so, I want to remain in close touch with the production of my colours because it's the very essence of my profession.

An expertise

It's been 10 years since I created colors for artists. I think I have acquired, over the years, a rich expertise of experiences. I worked with classical pigments (cadmium, cobalt, iron oxide ...), modern pigments (quinacridones, dioxazine, DPP ...) and historical pigments (cochineal, true indigo, smalt, azurite).

I am available for the artists to answer the questions by mail:

I also wrote a book with Fabien Petillion, The color explained to artists, published by Editions Eyrolles.

A product

I have a lot of very positive feedback about Isaro watercolors.

Several articles are published on social networks and in the specialized press. You can consult them on this site.

You can also read Julie's article for Jackson's.