Iron Oxide Orange – A Warm Hue
PR101 - Opaque - Non-granulating
Iron oxide orange is a warm, earthy pigment, providing an intense and vibrant hue, perfect for landscapes, portraits, and subtle mixes, all while ensuring excellent permanence.
Oxide orange is a vibrant and warm color, distinguished by its richness and exceptional permanence. This pigment, inspired by red ochre, is ideal for artists seeking earthy and intense tones. Its soft glow, reminiscent of rust and terracotta shades, enhances both landscapes and portraits.
For softer, more subtle tones, combine iron oxide orange with ultramarine blue, cerulean, or phtalo blue to create warm grays. When mixed with Isaro yellow light, it produces brilliant oranges, perfect for light effects or sunset skies. For a deep, earthy effect, combine it with phtalo green or Van Dyck brown. Iron oxide orange is renowned for its high permanence, meaning it resists light and aging exceptionally well.
I really care about who my colors are for. If I do this job it is above all not to satisfy customers or gain market share but to satisfy artists. So I hope that they can be seduced by the power of the colors and their brightness.